Tuesday, July 19, 2011

International Ceramics Festival, Aberystwyth

CCGG at the 2011 International Ceramics Festival,  Aberystwyth
What a trip; what fun. This bi-annual event should not be missed. The ICF, with the inimitable Jim Robison as Master of Ceremonies , presented many luminaries of the international ceramic world who provided the assembled enthusiasts with valuable and entertaining insights into their methods and passions. In far away Aberystwyth a warm weekend was a great  opportunity to meet a wider community of like minded folk, exchange ideas and perhaps marvel at the some of the extremes of  ceramic craft.  Alongside the entertaining “pyro-maniacs” with their improbable kilns, the French primitive mud pots and the wonderfully enthusiastic  Ponimin M Hum, renowned potters presented work and techniques of enviable quality and ambition. Too many to list but by general CCGG consent,  Mark Hewitt,  Kate Malone ( CCGG guest in September) and above all,  Ruthanne Tudball were outstanding. Ruthanne’s easy presentation style and facility with wet clay epitomised the value of this weekend. Catch her if you can.
Not all work though. Much fun was had by all judging by the laughter in the bus (you know who are!) and , notwithstanding the chaotic accommodation registration, rooms were fine and the food  and beer decent. Thanks to Nina for booking the event, Carol for the smooth organising, travel and steering us over the hurdles of registration and last but not least Rob, for his marathon driving stint and safe delivery of  bunch of potters.
The next ICF is in 2013.

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